TABLET'S DAY @ WORK(according to Tablet) |
The thing that's called the Whingery
* is where I sleep at night. When I want to be let in or out of my Whingery I make a noise that sounds like WHINGE. Winnie Whinge is another nickname other than TABLET although my REAL name is TIGER.The average working day is spent like this:
8.00am Released from the Whingery* after a long sleep
8.15am Breakfast
8.30am Alert the dog of Postie's arrival
8.40am Check the perimeter for overnight intruders
8.45am Quick cat nap
12.00pm Play with toys
12.05pm Have a quick bite
12.20pm Upset the feathered locals including the magpies (black and white turkeys)
12.50pm Another quick cat nap
3.30pm Cuddle with my pet human
4.30pm Tea time!!
4.45pm Taste the dog's drinking water
5.00pm Go hunting
5.30pm Watch my pet people have their tea and continue the study of lemonade - the question to be answered is where do all those small round things go when they get to the surface?
6.00pm Check the car especially the wheels and the bit underneath
7.00pm Check the computer - testing the keyboard and speakers is the main task and if the computer goes beeeeeeeep, then it's working ok
8.00pm Climb on the shelves to check brackets are still holding
8.30pm Make sure the video and TV are working OK - this requires sitting on top of the video and looking at the things kept behind that glass thing - I think they call it a screen or something?
10.00pm Check the computer before shut down
10.30pm Back in my Whingery for the night
You will notice that nearly all of my work is done in the latter part of the day but sometimes there will be a change in the order of my duties. Some jobs take longer on some days than on others.
Occasionally I bring down large house spiders as part of my job but this is done for my favourite human rather than for sport (not that there's anything wrong with my hunting although I like to practice and show my humans how its done). You see, house spiders and my favourite human do not get on. I try to help by showing her one and instead of running towards the spider to hunt it down, she runs away from it? She would have no problem climbing trees since she climbs furniture exceptionally well (when running from a spider!!)
The annual wage packet for this work is 2,000p which isn't that much considering all I do. I even get my people a shrew or vole for their Sunday dinner but this usually disappears in mysterious circumstances. Sometimes I catch a small garden turkey - usually the brown one with the red boob but my humans get upset. I don't think they like Chaffinch or Robin turkey. Below are some examples of me at work. Click on the underlined blue words for a bigger view of me on an ordinary day @ work...
By the way, that black and white moggy on the left is my apprentice and as usual instead of learning from me, he'd rather be thinking about (or doing) other things!
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Monitor check
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